Monday, April 20, 2009

knife fighting?

when i got home from work today (at 3:30 thanks to my new schedule of opening the school at 7am) i was HOT and sweaty and ready to sit on the couch in the air con and pet cricket. i stick my key in the lock, turn it and run into the unmoving door. why is the deadbolt on? jeremy came home for lunch so i bb im-ed him to ask why he deadbolted the partment. he said he didnt and i wasnt too concerned. i put my dirty clothes in the laundry in the closet, went into the bathroom to get a band for my hair, and sat on the couch. cricket jumped in my lap and jeremy was asking me all sorts of questions like does everything look like it is in the right place? is cricket still there? all of our valuabes were here and cricekt was in my lap. jeremy called the manager who didnt answer and started to get worried. he told me to look in the closet to see if there was anyone there. wth??? what am i supposed to do if there IS someone in the closet? ask him nicely to please leave? wheres our baseball bat? oh, in the closet. awesome. and the guns? locked up, but also in the closet. aha! the nasty looking hunting knife that he usually has in his pocket? in his bedside table (which of course is in the same room as the couch since our apartment is small and sucks). so i have my phone in one hand, cricket in my lap, the ellen show playing in the background, and a knife in my other hand...

jeremy calls again. "i got ahold of the managers boyfriend. he said he went around testing all the locks but never went into any the apartments. so he left the deadbolt locked and thats why. i told him that if he ever does anything like that again to tell us because we were both worried." worried? i was pee my pants scared. now that i knew there was PROBABLY no one in the house i took the knife and went to investigate. i only felt minorly ridiculous (and still freaking scared). finding no one in either the shower or the closet (and in this little box those are the only two potential places a human could fit) i returned to the couch a little less scared. thirty minutes later i am typing this post but i still have the knife in my lap.

just in case.

because you never know.


mommy said...

at least the so called bad guy didnt leave an opened bottle of apple juice on your bed.....

annaO said...

oh man,that sounds like me when riley barks at nothing in the middle of the night.

one time, i went into the living room with a golf club ready to kill someone. apparently, riley was scared of the ball of yarn i was knitting into a scarf. silly dog!

Being Robinson said...

i like it, i might get you a knife belt.