Thursday, April 16, 2009

happy birthday crickey!

crickey poo turned 2 yesterday! we have had her for 14 months and she is the best cat ever. on tuesday night i was looking online at the shelter cats in the area trying to find her a brother or sister even thoguh jeremy says we cant have two cats at a time and if i got a new one i would have to give cricket up. boo! he did tell me that if we got $1000 back from our taxes i could get a second cat but we both knew we were going to have to pay. and pay we did. i am so ready to be out of california! state taxes here are ridiculous! thankfully thats over and done with and hopefully next april we are paying our taxes in a different state... ???

it has cooled off here (winter temperatures recorded! that means it gets down to the 50s!) and been rather windy for the past couple days. on cold nights cricket sleeps with us, usually at jeremys feet or on my pillow but she has a new habit of curling up right in between us then yowing at me in the morning when i wake up and turn over to hit the alarm button. so sorry princess! did i disturb your precious slumber? dont worry - im sure youll get your 20 hours of sleep in today somehow! she is such a goof...


Being Robinson said...

Crickey sounds so much sweeter than my fat grumpy boy cats. Only one of them snuggles, the other one hates us. But I still love them and squeeze them anyway. Two cats is better than one, tell Jeremy that! They keep each other company and are more entertaining than just the one. Trust me.

mommy said...

why do i not know when it is my grandcats birthday?? there is something really wrong with that. loveyoubye