Monday, February 2, 2009

A to Z Reading Challenge

Option B: Read titles A to Z. Commit to reading 26 books theoretically speaking.

A again the magic - lisa kleypas
B bad kitty - michele jaffe
C coraline - neil gaiman
D does my head look big in this? - randa abdel-fattah
E evolution, me and other freaks of nature - robin brande
F the first assistant - clare naylor, mimi hare
G getting warmer - carol snow
H the heiress - jude deveraux
I i'm with the band: confessions of a groupie - pamela des barres
J josie and jack - kelly braffet
K kushiels dart - jacqueline carey
L lost and found - jacqueline sheehan
M mr. cavendish, i presume - julia quinn
N night fall - cherry adair
O oscar season - mary mcnamara
P perfect stranger - gina wilkins
Q the queen of attolia - megan whalen turner
R redwall - brian jacques
S scandal becomes her - shirlee busbee
T theodora twist - melissa senate
U up close and dangerously sexy - karen anders
V the vampire diaries: the awakening - l.j. smith
W whose wedding is it anyway? - melissa senate

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