Friday, October 30, 2009
national cat day
the one we picked was the black and white kitten. i thought he was a she the whole time he was living with us, but they figured out at the shelter that he was a boy. i guess they found where it was stamped on the bottom.
we havent figured out a name for him. cricket didnt have a name for aboutthe first two weeks because we (i) wanted the perfect one. jeremy has been calling the new baby blackie or gato negro but i dont like either of those. i suggested snowball, but that was mostly a joke. i also kinda like kramer. i really want a name that has a "k" sound to match cricket and our last name.
anyone have any ideas?
Monday, October 26, 2009
last day with the kittens
he's the cat whisperer. and he like to pretend he only tolerates cricket. liar!
hopefully in a few months we will foster again. i need some time to get over my loss! i get to see sookie in her new home tomorrow though and i am happy about that. she is such a sweetie. apparently lucee, her new cat sister, is scared of her. thats because sookie had to learn how to stick up for herself at our house. her brother and sister played rough!
the shelter is such a sad place. they said kittens get adopted quickly and i sure hope thats true because there are so many animals in cages there! they are doing the best they can but it is still sad. i almost came home with a rabbit for jeremy but didnt. she looked a lot liked babe did though (minus satan's eyes).
Saturday, October 24, 2009
two more days
the manchester animal shelter is overrun with cats right now and it is really sad. they are a no-kill shelter, which is great, but some of the kitties have been there for years. they even have kittens that aren't being adopted there. kittens are really hard to find in a shelter so you know there must be a cat saturation in manchester (catsuration?). it breaks my heart to think of any of these babies in a cage for weeks, months, or even years.
so this was supposed to be a cute picture and a witty post, but it is turning into kind of a downer. if you are looking for a pet, check your local shelter before paying a breeder. or, make a donation of time or money to your shelter. it really helps all these poor babies.
and like bob barker always said, spay and neuter your animals!
(it is still a cute picture!)
Monday, October 19, 2009
right before they came over lauren brought kevin over to meet sookie and make sure they wanted to take her. they fell in love with her, which i knew they would. she is a sweetie. majorly a scaredy cat, but so sweet. she cuddled with cricket on the bed today for hours. it was adorable and heart melting.
tonight we tried to watch house, but the stupid baseball playoffs were still going - it was like the 30th inning of whatever game was on. yankees suck. so jeremy went to rite aid, and i did dishes. watching house would have been better.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
blog action day
whether you agree with al gore and the global warming people or not, the fact of the matter is that the earth is our home, and we need to treat it nicer.
i'm not one to go all crunchy granola and tell people to start skipping deodorant and reusing grey water (although those ideas have merit in the proper setting). i'm talking about small things that you prolly wouldn't even notice you are doing that help out in the end.
take one minute shorter showers. you'll save money on your water bill and whatever you use to heat the water bill, you'll use thousands of gallons less water in a year.
when you get to a parking lot, just park and walk. those people that circle around waiting for a spot or idle for ten minutes waiting for the old lady to load her bags of cat food in the back of her station wagon are wasting time. they are sending carbon monoxide and other pollutants into the air and water. park in the back of the lot and walk. you'll get some fresh air and a little exercise, your car has less chance to get dinged up, you'll prolly even get into the store sooner than if you had tried to find a killer spot. (exceptions to this rule are made in my household if it is raining, especially if i have blow-dried my hair).
walk or bike more places. take the bus or subway. go down to one car per household. we have one car and it works. we walk to rite aid to get milk or whatever. i rode my bike to work when it was warmer. i also have taken the bus around. not as ghetto as it might seem, and, since the bus or subway runs anyways, you aren't adding any extra to traffic, etc.
stop using so much paper. do you really need that printed out? try using a real towel or real napkins instead of paper. more laundry, sure, but it is better for the environment. and sitting down to dinner with cloth napkins can sure dress up a lean cuisine!
there are lots of great resources on and offline to learn more about what you can do and how it matters. every week's green lantern posts an article about eco-friendly real-life questions like is beer or wine better for the environment? what's the most eco-friendly birth control method? and many more. i have several great green living books. there are green blogs by the thousands.
reduce, reuse, recycle. we all learned the adage in school. now it is time to figure out how to put it into practice in our real lives.
ARC review: hush, hush
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
fall is coming!
there are so many lakes and ponds here, and almost all of them have parks around them with walking, biking, and cross country skiing trails. jeremy is excited to try cross country skiing, and i can't wait to hit the slopes again. but first, i need something to thicken my blood. today was in the 40s and i was freezing all day long. sad but true. matt (a guy at work) was wearing a hawaiian shirt and shorts. it made me cold just looking at him.
family fotos
Monday, October 12, 2009
cricket teaches the kittens
and then this happened:
the kittens are six weeks old now, so we have them and scarlet for two more weeks. we have to give them up right when they are getting fun!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
the good with the bad...
the bad... there was an incident at work that super sucked. it caused a lot of extra work for me and my team but we got through it. it allowed me to see which of the members of my box office team can step up and handles challenges and which freak out under pressure. good info for a manager to have! we got through it, and although there will continue to be repercussions (mostly for me, and mostly in the form of extra work), whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right?
p.s. the kittens are almost six weeks old and have offically taken over the entire apartment. but they are too cute to contain! we have been able to keep them out of the bedroom (that's cricket's domain) but the kitchen, bathroom and living room have kittens everywhere all the time! i love it, and that's why i would be a crazy cat lady if jeremy let me.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
ARC review: Secret Society

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
scary cat!
the kittens have successfully found a way out of the dog pen, so now we walk in the kitchen at random times to find them wrestling in the middle of the floor. the grey and white one found her way behind the stove and refrigerator and fell asleep. she came back out when she got hungry though! her mama is too fat now to fit back there. thankfully she isn't all skin and bones like she was when i brought her home.
they are super playful, and very much enjoy tormenting cricket, who (for the most part) puts up with is good-naturedly. we really do have the best cat in the world.
before and after
it was a great evening - we watched private practice and the office and carved away. can you guess which pumpkin was carved by which one of us?
Monday, October 5, 2009
skated by
thankfully steph liked the look of the cake on its side - looked like a pair of skates that someone had just casually tossed on the floor. we refrosted teh smooshed parts, iced a dozen cupcakes, and went to bed. the cakes (and chocolate candies we made last week) were a huge hit at the party. the skates looked like the skates her parents used to have when they were first together and used to roller skate all the time. aw!
so my first cake baking/decorating experience in new hampshire was successful, if not exactly how i imagined it would be. and i'm happy because they were happy!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
its a bit blair witch project...
alos, again, i am taking video on my digital camera and am not a professional. also i have no editing software. so it is a little jumpt at times, and parts of them playing under the table are dark. but they are too cute to NOT post the video.
hope you enjoy them as much as i am! only three more weeks until they go back to the shelter for adoption... i will miss the babies SO much!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
to brighten your thursday...
i would edit it for length if only i knew how or had a program to do so on my computer. in the meantime, it is only a minute or so long. these guys are awfully cute!!!
contest winners!
yay to the winners and participants!
also, as a side note, everytime i type beka's name in my blog, zemanta(a program that suggests pictures, labels and topics related to my content) shows this picture: