Thursday, August 23, 2007

thinning files

so the process of thinning old student files is arduous and boring. and dirty. i worked on it for about 2 of my 8 hours of work today and that was soooo more than enough. my pod was running out of juice and there is no radio in the conference room so i decided to stop long before i was actually finished. and thats just with the files from 2001 and 2002. down in the garage the files go back to the 80s. and thats my job to thin them out and keep only what we need. hurrah!

sprouted spaghetti is not as good as those bleached enriched sticks most of yall prolly eat. healthier, but just not quite the same. it gets mushy even when it is stil al dente. we used our last 2 lb block of koci beef when i made spaghetti sauce last week - there was enough to have again tonight. sadness. i dont know when we will get more. anyone in the topeka want to fly some out? i would really apreciate it thanks.

i did get in-n-out for lunch... protein style burger and animal style fries. does life get better?

lately anna and i have been obsessed with playing scrabble through facebook. it is scrabulous! (i didnt make that up. its actually the name of the application.) we play one or two games a day. i also like playing with random people... so far i am a big scrabble loser. i have only won 4 games but im having fun so it doesnt matter. it is fun to play with someone who lives across the country. so everyone get a facebook page and add scrabulous. i will play scrabble with anyone. and apparently i am easy to beat. so there.


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