Tuesday, August 14, 2007

she don't like cocaine

so yesterday jeremy was walking down the street in downtown burbank. for those of you who do not know, downtown burbank is a pretty nice area. there are some homeless people, but the streets are clean etc. so anyways, he sees this guy get off of a bus, cross the street to the other corner, drop a bag, and get on another bus which leaves. some epoepl had been walking behind him and saw him leave the bag and tried to get his attention before he got on the bus but couldnt. so the man opens the bag and pulls out snack sized baggies full of cocaine. you cant make this stuff up. another guy comes up behind the couple and was swearing at him like " you crazy mutha.... that could be a bomb! you coulda just blown my ... up!!!" and the crazy guy runs off.

so i ask you.

#1 who leaves cocaine just laying around??? was this a drop off gone wrong?

#2 who starts going through a bag left by someone like that? have you never been to an airport with all the security announcements etc saying if you see an unattended bag report it to security immediately!?!?

#3 can you believe jeremy actually saw this with his own two eyeballs? crazy huh?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK Meggers, just how exactly did Jeremy know it was blow???