Wednesday, August 22, 2007

comings and goings

every time someone at work leaves or starts the hr manager sends out an email with that title. we have been getting a lot of goings and not as many comings. my boss, theresa, who was the principal, left to go work as a teacher at a school closer to home. so the vice principal is the interim principal (she calls it on probation). so karla is my new boss. we spent the better part of yesterday cleaning out theresas office and throwing away multiple trash bags worth of stuff. karla has been moving her stuff out of her office downstairs and is almost settled in. i am happy with the transistion. karla is younger and a lot more easy going and we have worked really well together in the past. since we are not hiring a new vice principal any time soon, ceci and i are getting a lot more responsibilities. i get to go to my first work conference at the end of september. cant say i am too thrilled. i will have to be at karlas at 6 in the mornign so we can get down to anaheim by 8. waking up at 4:30 am doesnt make me happy. but i have over a month to prepare mentally.

i have also been working on cleaning out the student files from over five years ago so there is room in the storage garage for the recently terminated student files. it is a stupid boring dirty job, but thats why they pay me the big bucks. oh wait...


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