last week bryce and his band, the brittle lens, came to town. they played at the w
we met two couples down at the club: lance and kris and ryan and kim. we had a great time! tbl was amazing in concert - it was the first time jeremy and i had seen them play. even though we have all their cds and got to hang in the studio during the recording of the newest one, whisper to the bomb, seeing them live was an amazing experience. they had so much energy. john cracked me up dancing around. they were all sweaty and gross after their thirty minute set. tons of others of their friends and family came out for the show - tbl had the most fans of any of the five bands playing that night.
we helped the band load their gear immediately after their set was finished so the ne
xt band could set up. after the band was loaded in they came back into the club and hung out with us and listened to the last two bands. tbl was definitely the best (not that i am prejudiced or anything).
bryce anem boys left on friday around lunchtime (jeremy and i were back to work of course) heading to colorado and then nebraska to finish their nationwide tour. pretty much my brother is awesoem and famous and kris has all the original members of the band's signatures on her very own copy of whisper to the bomb. (hans did a nice job on the graphics for their posters and cd covers too... i am patiently waiting for my tshirt)
if you want to have a brittle lens cd of your very own you can order one on amazon or download friends, lovers and floors on itunes. or you can ask bryce.
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