Tuesday, January 8, 2008

getty, h&h, the grove, santa monica

we were all over los angeles on saturday and sunday. saturday morning i got up early and went to the gym (i actually got up too early and the gym wasnt even open yet - i was not a happy camper let me tell you) then came home and we all got ready and headed to the getty center. we spent some time exploring the upper floors with all the paintings, then headed to the downstairs sections: household art (like decorations and bowls and furniture), the traveling medieval treasures exhibit (featuring a reliquary of a golden arm containing the arm bone of a saint that priests would use to bless people), the gardens (spectacular view of downtown los angeles), and a cool video installation called "please be seated." it featured copies of chairs in the decorations part with webcams aimed at them and one would sit in the chairs and be transported into a scene from the past (or future).

we headed to hollywood and highland for lunch and spent the afternoon walking up and down hollywood blvd looking at the stars, the chinese theater, the hollywood history museum, and the hollywood sign, etc. etc. etc. the best apart was eating shabu shabu at koji's. soooo good. they bring very thinly sliced pieces of meat and pieces of veggies and each person has a hot pot that is seasoned according to taste. one cooks one's own food and dips in the sauces. too good for words. lottie introduced me and i love it! shabu shabu means swish swish in japanese and is named for the sound made when one moves the food around in the water with chopsticks. (or a fork if you aren't proficient enough with the sticks) after dinner we headed home for an early night because we had to be up early for church.

jeremy and i stage managed so missy and audrey took the car and drove around beverly hills while we got things in order at church. they came back for the service and then we headed to the grove, more specifically the farmers market, for lunch. i love the french crepe place they have there!! we shopped around a little bit then drove to the promenade in santa monica. we shopped in the rain then trudged out onto the beach in the rain, then walked on the dock in the rain, then ate dinner at the end of the dock looking out at the ocean in the rain. it was wet and cold but beautiful! we headed home for some settlers of catan (wouldnt be an out of town visit without it!). jeremy and i headed to bed early because we had to be at work on monday.

monday the girls dropped us off at work and went to warner brothers studio for a tour and then out to zuma and point dume for some beach time in the sun (at least not in the rain). monday night we went to vallarta and got carne asada and ate dinner, watched football, and played settlers. early to bed early to rise because they had to be at lax before work...
we packed a whole heck of a lot into a few short days. we had fun and i think they did too...


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