Thursday, January 31, 2008
white whine
last night i was on the phone with anna when she received a very special package in the mail. we discovered that we had bought each other the same thing for valentines day (great minds think alike and so do ours) and we took baths with our bath bombs together but 2000 miles away. sounds kinda kinky (it wasnt) but after the extensive race day training we have been doing, it was pure heaven... my race is in a month and hers is in about 2 months but she is running about 3.5x longer than me. good luck!
jeremy retiled the kitchen yesterday... i mean bleached the grout and tile so it looks like a whole new kitchen. i can see my reflection in the counter! (and the stove and my tea kettle) he stunk like bleach even after his shower but it was worth it!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
i don't like braeburn apples. gala and fuji are much more favorite.
the blood bourne pathogen movie isn't any better the second time around, worse, in fact.
the woman who teaches the monday night body works plus abs class at the sherman oaks la fitness is in league with the devil.
i will definitely be attending the academy awards, in a fancy dress, no matter the outcome of the writers strike.
bret michaels is a very strange man.
today is the one year anniversary of me being on the maker's diet. in that time i have had no soda, no cheetos and no shellfish. i surprisingly dont miss the soda or cheetos but man i miss shrimp and lobster. i have learned that i like bell peppers and some fish. i still don't like mushrooms. i have reduced the amount of medication i take by half and hopefully by the end of the summer (i have a colonoscopy to look forward to) the doctor will let me reduce/discontinue. i have more energy and havent been sick at all in that time. i think i have had two migraines in a year which is waaay less than before i started the diet. so yay. jordan rubin: if you are out there, you are my hero. and jeremy's. and lottie's. and sarah's. so yay for you.
Friday, January 25, 2008
friday, friday
im tired and it is friday. i want to go home, go to yoga with kris and christina, and sleep. but also i have laundry to do from camping last weekend. and our house is a mess. thankfully i dont have any plans until sunday so we have plenty of time to catch up around the house. yay!
our iep for today got cancelled because the parents didnt show up (big surprise there) so now i am stuck with a mountain of filing and a messy desk. ick. friday should be a happy day and it is gloomy and depressing instead. well... 7.5 more hours of work to go. anyone want to play scrabulous with me to help the time pass?
bible study last night was really great. jeremy and i shared our life maps and passed out the instruction sheets to everyone else. i cant wait to hear from everyone else what important events and people helped shape who they are. it will be a really great way to draw closer to each other. we are also starting a series on prayer. all of us agreed that prayer gets overlooked and left out so easily and we want to refocus on something that is so important and powerful. we are all really excited.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
i am going to go cry then go to the gym. i guess i am only wearing flowerdy skirts from now on. sheesh.
One Square Foot
hint: kindle is a really popular answer - i have had that question three times already and no other question has been repeated. i think amazon is paying for some brand recognition!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
all mugu things must come to an end
point mugu: day 2
point mugu: day 1
Thursday, January 17, 2008
thoughts on american idol: #1
these people are as follows:
whitney houston, mariah carey, celine dion. seriously do you think that if you could actually sing as well as them you would need to be on american idol? and since that obviously means you can't, attempting to sing one of their songs will just make you look worse than you prolly are. no one has the range that these women have... seriously just give it up.
kelly clarkson, carrie underwood, chris daughtry ( i dont even know if there are any other idol winnners/best sellers). while none of these people are the best singers ever (which is why they are in this category and not the previous one) you will be compared to them and found lacking. tough. thats just how it is. especially if you resemble them even slightly physically and/or are from their home state (or worse their home town). just dont do it.
janis joplin, bob dylan. amazing song writers. very unique voices. not a whole lot of opportunity here to show off your range and you would be pigeonholing yourself right off the bat. stick to a safer choice.
queen. seriously you want to tr to sing some of the most difficult songs ever? you better be good! really good!
people who are great choices to imitate
pick some safe poppy song and add you own flair. like maroon 5. or a classic religious song like amazing grace. plenty of room to do your own thing with that. or try a less whiny alanis. or rihanna. picking top 40-ish songs increases the chance that people will remember you after we slog through all these auditions and make it to hollywood week and eventually get to vote for you.
other helpful tips. smile. make eye contact with the judges. dress well and to fit your body type. girls - wear girl clothes and tasteful makeup (leave the orange undertoned foundation off. ew. and bring blotting papers for your shiny noses.). boys - wear boys clothes and leave the princess leia slave outfits and creepy key necklaces at home. if necessary, have your friends nominate you for what not to wear several months before your audition. people who present themselves well have already won half the battle. have something snappy to say when they ask the inevitable question why are you here? duh to be the next american idol... why else fool? leave the costumes and leia hair and nail clippings at home. bring your adorable children and normal looking (and acting) family members and sob stories. above all else... if they say no nicely, dont flip off the camera and scream obscenities. you just make yourself look like an idiot on national television. by all means, if simon says your husband really really loves you and love is deaf, feel free to cry and maybe say something hateful (although last nights girl was very tasteful, just crying on her model husbands shoulder) but keep your "birds" to yourself. seriously.
if only i could sing then i would have this thing on lock. oh well.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
ides of january
sunday we played with the three and four year olds at church. we had a good time as always but i still prefer the babies... :D after lunch and cleaning out the car (during which jeremy somehow broke the vacuum cleaner... so our house is really dirty right now... hopefully we get a new one soon!!!) jeremy went to the mayan for church and to hang out with zac. he saw nate torrence there, from our dearly departed studio 60. this week at work we have both been really busy which is unusual. we are looking forward to the long weekend so we can go camping! yay! i made sure that jeremy reserved a campsite by flush toilets and running water this time... :) this past weekend we almost turnedon te air con - it was hot. this upcoming weekend it is going to be cold. prolly because of el nino. which is spanish for the nino.
im very happy that american idol is back on. jeremy watched part of it with me last night. so far (i know it has only been one day) there have been no stand outs to me good or bad. we will see what tonight brings!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
merry christmas to me!
i got home from the advanced laser center this morning (i love kris!) and found it almost put together. (it is shake and bake and) i helped! i had to hold the little thingies on the front while jeremy tightened the screws on the back. and then i lift the bed with only my pinkies and moved it back against the wall... ok jeremy helped some with that part... then he left me to go to the sporting goods store (i told him to bring me back anything for camping that is pink) to get his fishing license renewed so when we go camping in a couple weeks (or maybe next weekend... hmmm... whenever martin luther king junior day is) he can fish for sharks in the surf. which i will not eat because they don't have scales and fins. he will prolly throw back whatever he cathches anyways. we still have fish in the freezer from san diego.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
fogo de chao churrascaria

Tuesday, January 8, 2008
getty, h&h, the grove, santa monica
missy and audrey!!!
my shoulder was even wet through my jacket!!! arent we cute when we are bedraggled?
san diego: coronado and exit
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
new year's resolutions
1. run a 5k. and by run i mean actually run (or at least jog... but not walk). i signed up for one in conjunction with the la marathon on march 2. so yesterday i started my training.
2. only use reusable bags at the grocery store (or reuse the ones they give me). no more bringing home a bunch of bags and throwing them away.
3. keep eating healthy. by january 30 i will have had no soda or super crappy junk food (good bye cheetos) for an entire year. jeremy was shocked when i said i will prolly never drink soda again. although sometimes a coke still sounds pretty freaking good. by the end of the year i hope to be completely medicine free. last year (2007) i cut down by half so i think 2008 is my year!
i feel like i am leaving one out... anyways, did anyone else make resolutions? i asked jeremy if he was making any... "why? do you think i need to??" and since he is pretty much perfect (ha ha) i said i guess not.
today i am cleaning out my email inboxes and starting over. also tomorrow i am cleaning off my desk at work. tonight is set aside for the cleaning of our house because missy will be here tomorrow!!!! yay! we took down all of our christmas stuff yesterday and i cleaned out my closet on sunday.
new year, new beginnings.