Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Meako Butam, Okvolvo of Pentasa
the funny thing about this formula is i would only share a family name with one of my brothers. bryces last name would be butam but maxs would be buwic. interesting. but i would have the same last name as my cousin jay. hmmm...
Monday, July 30, 2007
adios amigos!
we went out to eat with the knoxes to celebrate/mourn. celebrate because they are moving up north to plant a mosaic site and it is super exciting and definitely what they are being called to do. mourn because they are the friends in la who have known us the longest and best and have been more like brother and sister and now they are gone. we had a great mexican dinner at casa vega (why do you think there is a tile mosaic with the letters cv on the wall?) on ventura blvd. it is one of kevin and nikkis favorite dining locations. they move tomorrow morning from the apartment that we shared with them when we first got to la - the villa colfax. gt gt... :) we will prolly get to see kevin again next week but nikki not until labor day. oh well.
load shedding
in other news, we got to watch office space this weekend.
looks like somebody has a case of the mondays.
Friday, July 27, 2007
to clear up a few things...
2. i got to see my lottie last night for the first time in ages (well since she went to england) and she smelled good. also we are going to the beach tomorrow and hopefully to a celebrity hot spot club tomorrow night. yay!
3. the list of favorite things is by no means complete and all inclusive. so if you are not on it, or know of something that i like that isnt on it, dont worry! i cant list eveyone and everything. so dont get mad. and anna - you are a favorite friend... :)
4. pcs are so much better than macs. when i make cds of pictures on my computer, i can use it on any other computer except annas stupid mac. ;) also, anna, i hve a cd with those pictures on it that i have used on multiple computers so i will send that in your birthday box which will probably be late. just so you know. hopefully that one works in your dumb computer... :)
5. we have new people staying with us this weekend. i met them when i went home to let them in... they have a cute baby girl. she is smiley and chubby - two of my favorite baby characteristics.
6. our air con is broken. hopefully our landlord gets right on that because i am DYING! it is so hot. so hot. so hot. is there an echo in here?
7. lots of people i know are getting married and having babies. not the same ones. some people are getting married (trishy poo - eek!) and lots of tother people are having babies or just had or are thinking of having. sheesh. just to let all of you know: we are trecnd setters not trend followers. no babies for us for a while. i am super content to play with everyone elses and be the favorite auntie. :)
8. any other questions i can clear up for anyone????? let me know and i will do my darndest to answer them.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
i got to hold the baby!

last time i saw him i had a cold. this time i had to share him with all the people at the office, but it was ok because when someone else was holding him, his big sister valerie crawled up in my lap. seeing these two adorable babies makes me miss andrew and brookie ALOT! javi was looking at me really funny the entire time i was holding him - i dont think he sees very many white people in his day to day baby life. he is so sweet though! he was born when we were in kansas so he is about two months old. valerie turned three in may and turned into quite the little chatterbox!
after work i met kim and alicia at the mall to get our nails done. alicia is one of kims friends from ohio so i only get to see her about once a year. we had a great time... i love being pampered. my favorite part is the massage with the yummy smelling lotion.
then i went home and did 5 loads of laundry. we have people coming to stay with us this weekend so i had all those sheets to do, plus our linens, plus omre camping nasty smoky clothes... and the list goes on. the good news is you can actually walk into the closet again!
Monday, July 23, 2007
sequoia camping: crystal cave

however, i learned that next time we go, we should pay the extra couple dollars to go on the ages 13 and up only tour. plus, it is longer. who wants to go with us next year?
sequoia camping: the wildlife

our neighbor the spider. he had just finished his web when i saw it. he was setting up his house at the same time we were setting up our tent. so we are like bff.

sequoia camping: general sherman

sequoia camping: the arrival

we also had to put anything that has any odor in the bear boxes that locked with a key. that way the bears cant get to the stuff and leave us alone. the fundamental flaw i have found with this idea is: i wake up, wash my face and put lotion on it. then i put the lotion in the bear box so the bears dont come eat it. but what about the lotion on my face????? should i keep my face in the bear box too?

Thursday, July 19, 2007
cadaver calculator
time flies...
we got a custom fit sun shade while he was in for his check up. yaris windshields are kinda funny shaped compared to most cars so we decided to get the toyota one. he likes his new shades and it really does keep the car cooler.
in this heat... who could ask for more?
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
is it time to go home yet?
i am just not an ambi-turner.
just waiting on jeremy to pick me up. this is what i am reduced to. rambling about my legs. like you actually care.
why oh why?
two more days of work then CAMPING! we are headed to sequoia again but staying at a different campsite than last year. some of the same poeple are going too, and some new. so it is exciting. jeremy bought a fly fishing pole and a california fishing license and is SUPER excited to get on with it already. me, i am just excited to sit around the camp fire and roast some marshmallows except i don't really eat sugar anymore. so maybe i will roast a piece of ezekial bread. somehow it just doesnt hold the appeal of a smore. i will think of something.
hopefully i am not too sore by the time this weekend rolls around. i am looking forward to seeing general sherman again and swimming in the icy cold water...
Sunday, July 15, 2007
pool honeys!!!!
this picture is me and sarah, my "boss" at mosaic. she is the producer for all the services and is SUPER cool... she threw the party for us and bought us all books. it was a good time.
Friday, July 13, 2007
as an incentive for going to your free consultation, they will give you a $25 gift certificate to the cheesecake factory.
oh the irony!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
that southern drawl
they arrived sunday night after i was already in bed. all day monday i was thinking how funny it was that people were staying with us and i had never even met them. just walked out the door for work and left them with all of our stuff. monday night we get home, and they are out. once again, they got home after i was asleep. so finally by tuesday i am beginning to think they are a figment of my imagination. but tuesday after work i finally got to meet them and we went to kung pao for dinner.
i had the basil lamb.
it was delicious.
we stayed up too late talking... yesterday was a hard day at work, partially because i was exhausted and partially because my boss is having a really hard time with some personal stuff and has been out most of the last three weeks. and my other boss just had surgery. and ceci had a baby. so it is me and greg, doing the work of five people.
if you see me and i am grumpy, thats why.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
we hang out in cemeteries for fun!
we found our spot and ate our picnic. then the guy came out to announce the movie and brought on stage his special guests. one girl was the director of the film, which was cool, and the other girl was... drew barrymore. yeah she said she goes to the cemetery almost every week to watch the movie and relax with her friends. it was cool. i tried to get a picture but it was too dark and she was too far away.
the babies...
Thursday, July 5, 2007
at target of all places?!?!?

yep. chandra wilson, of grey's anatomy fame. shopping at target with her two (very cute i might add) kids. she was wearing an al hat (floppy fishing one) to try and disguise herself but jeremy wasnt fooled. after i spent agonizing moments "drooling" over the organic 600 thread count sheets i could oh so casually figure out who she was. all jeremy said was go look at that woman but be cool. i did my best. at least i didnt run up to her and say oh my gosh you are like so my hero... can i take a picture on my cell phone and send it to all my freinds? because thats what i really wanted to do. two days in a row of self restraint. you guys in cyberland should be quite impressed.
Independence Day
this picture says july 5 but that isnt true. i dont know why and i would fix it if i could access the meu on our camera but i cant since i cracked the lcd screen. oh well. can you tell christina is going to have a baby? yay! also i am slightly toasty from the beach. but that is the red part of my red white and blue outfit and i am working it! woot woot!
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
it is HOT!
and it is only july 3. can't wait until august!
Monday, July 2, 2007
Sunday, July 1, 2007
the hills are alive...
kris, her sister bekah, bridgit and i rode the subway to hollywood and highland and met up with lottie, her friend kelly, christina, her friend hannah, debbie, kim, jessica and rebecca. we ate sushi and shabu shabu which was SOOOO good!!!
then we walked up the hill to the bowl. the "concert" was sold out so it was packed and it was all women and gay men with a few families thrown in. there was a costume contest before hand. "moonbeams in your hand" won - the first prize was a cruise!!!! we decided we are dressing up next year and i am not telling you what as because you might steal our idea. also, kris, bekah and i will sing as part of our costume so you know we are gonna win.
the movie started and the words showed up at the bottom of the screen for all the songs so everyone could sing along. whenever the baroness or the nazis came on the screen everyone booed and hissed and when the captain (gaorge??? who names their kid gaorge???) and maria kissed for the first time everyone set off firecrackers.
this was the most fun i have had with the girls in a loong time. the boys were all at lance and kris's house playing poker. most of us rode the subway home and they picked us up at the station.
at church today we had a fire drill. i think this is only the second time i have been in a public place (i.e. not a drill or kid pulling the alarm at school or in the residence halls) and the fire alarm went off. the first time was in march in vegas with shane and darci. i was in the bathroom (of course!) and freaking out, trying to hurry and i come out and everyone is still at the tables and slots, like it was only someone hitting the jackpot and not mortal danger. i do not know what set off the alarm this morning, but thankfully it was when we were there early and not actually during the service. i dont think there was an actual fire. dana and sabrina sang again (yay!). tomorrow: back to work, which after graduation two weeks ago, is rather boring. but i think i am going swimming st lunch with emily. so thats something to look forward to!