51:53. i killed it this month. it helped that for the first time i wasnt sick and that jakey decided to wake up only once at 5:30am for sure.
december's time was 56:09 and november's was 57:42. that means this month i was almost 4.5 minutes faster!
swim: 10:14. thats only a few seconds faster than last time but i felt better the whole time and finished first out of the girls in my group and before the guy that was sharing my lane. i was in a faster swim heat this time so beating at least the girls made me feel pretty good.
bike: 20:10 thats a couple minutes faster. i pushed the resistance up and pedaled my heart out, to the point where i can barely stand up today. my thighs did not appreciate the hard biking after almost no training.
run: 19:43 i broke the 20 minute mark! go team me! thse first couple of laps after the bike are challenging so i play a little mental game to keep focused. 1/24 ok thats like 4% done. 2/24 = 1/12. way to go. 3/24 = 1/8 that's 12.5%! 4/24 = 1/6. the fifth lap is stupid because 5 doesnt go into 24. lap 6 - 1/4 done, half mile ran yay! etc. almost every lap is a fraction that can be reduced, and then i can spend the rest of that lap trying to calculate approximate percentages. crazy? maybe. but it seems to be working okay for me.
after all that and a great time, i missed placing int he top three in my age group by about 30 seconds which means no tri cup points for me this month. and next month the tri falls during our los angeles trip so none next month either. march and april i better bring it hard in order to finish in the top three!