Thursday, November 4, 2010

book review: A Deadly Row

A Deadly Row
Casey Mayes

Capturing the hot new craze:
The new Math Puzzle mystery series.
Math whiz Savannah Stone makes a living creating Math puzzles in rural North Carolina. But when the mayor starts receiving death threats, Savannah needs to solve this puzzle-before the next box to be filled is the mayor's coffin.

my review: this was a fun mystery, not too brain bending or terrifying. savannah makes math puzzles (i assume sudoku but it is never explicitly stated what kind of puzzle) and her husband is the retired chief of the charlotte police. i had a pretty strong hunch who the killer was throghout the book but there were other plot points and interesting tidbits to keep the story moving. it is a genre mystery, meaning if you like math puzzles and mystery books you would prolly like this one more, but i prefer the siamese cats of the cat who series for my genre mystery reading. there was nothing objectionable or exceptionally bloody in it. i'd be interested to see what subsequent book sin the series are like.

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