Thursday, June 27, 2013

104 weeks later

i can't believe we went from this guy:

to this guy:
in two short years. our two year old is a mess.  he is running and jumping and hiding. he loves jumping, espcially off of curbs in parking lots and bottom stairs. he hides under his bed, but is so giggly it isnt very hard to find him.

he's talking up a storm. everyone comments on how clearly he enunciates and how easy he is to understand. he likes to say "bless you" when someone sneezes, is learning how to sing the ABCs. he talks a lot about rumpy and cricket and our friend's dog milo, the fire trucks and fire station, and airplanes. he is learning how to count and usually goes something like 1,4,6,8,9,10! with a few hints he can get all the numbers though.

he is starting to talk more about baby sister. yesterday he pulled up my shirt and offered her a bite of his pretend food. it was pretty adorable. he'll hug my belly and say hello to her when prompted to.

he's turning into a good helper too. he likes to help me put clothes in the dryer and put some of his stuff away. he has been getting up on his stool and helping me cook lately. he loves it.  he has a tool kit outside and inside so he can help daddy with any important jobs at the drop of a hat.

his favorite songs are "head, toes, nose" (head, shoulders, knees and toes), ACCs (ABCs), "rocking mommy singing" (Rockabye Baby), "mama broken heart" (your mama's broken heart, miranda lambert), and "town town" (downtown, lady antebellum). whenever we get in the car he immediately asks to find drums on the radio. any song with a strong drum beat and he is a happy kid. he loves playing his drums and piano and can identify all of the pieces of a drum kit. (bass drum, snare, etc.) smarty pants!!!

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