Monday, April 14, 2008

who? what? where?

small group dinner this week was held at lance and kris's. we had tacos and rice and chips and queso. it was yummy. we took our baby crockpot that we purchased specifically so that jeremy could make queso. after dan and bridget and owen showed up we ate dinner and then played this really fun game called who? what? where?
there are three boxes of cards. the who? box contains cards that have the name of a celebrity or character like michael jordan or scooby doo. the what? box says what they are doing, e.g. running or playing soccer or performing surgery. the where? box contains locations, for example, at the mall or in the oval office.

everyone picks a card from each of the boxes and draws the scenario thusly described. after everyone is finished drawing (using no letters or numbers) we pass our drawings around and keep track of what we think everyone else drew. then we go around and everyone says what they think it is and points are scored. after three rounds whoever has the most points wins. it is fairly straightforward and really fun, unless you get a set of cards that read "michael jordan (easy) suffering from a really bad cold (how are you going to get someone to guess all that) in the lost city of atlantis (yeah right)". so that sucked for me. thankfully the next round was adama and eve playing soccer in the mall. easy peasy. i still lost but we had a great time.

owen is two months old and so ridiculously cute. i love him and just want to eat him up! he is starting to smile and we had a few moments of instense soul searching staring. dan and bridgie are great as parents... mostly because they let me hold the baby as much as i want. :)


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