Thursday, December 27, 2007

salsa II

a couple weeks ago tera's band sang at vive again. jeremywent with me this time, and al went with lottie, so the four of us had a grand ole time. the band sounded great and the highlight was tera's stalker. for those of you from the wichita area, he is vaguely reminiscent of crazy mike, although a bit more sociable and more aggressive. he took SO many pictures of tera, with tera, of tera, of tera's backside... etc. her husband tried to get him thrown out but the bouncers could only keep him off the dance flor (since he wasnt dancing) and order a drink (i.e. be a patron of the establishment). i have never seen one coke last so long. i think he drank it the entire three hours she was singing. her mom and grandma were there, and he managed to get a shot with all the women of the family. creeeeepy!

the people dancing werent as entertaining as last time, but mike (this crazy guys name is mike too!) kept us all entertained. poor tera.

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