Monday, June 25, 2007

crystal cathedral = creepy cathedral

there are a lot of really cool things about the crystal cathedral. take for example, the huge organ behind us. also all of the natural light that somehow compelled me to wear my sunglasses inside. also the wall that is actually a door that opens perfectly timed to music to display the waterfall outside that rises and falls with the beat of the hymns... oh wait. i think thats creepy. the womens bathroom was one of the nicest ive ever seen, pausing anna and i to revert to our high school ways and take bathroom pictures. you wont find them posted on this particular blog. the thing that makes that ok is we werent the only ones.

we did take some pictures of the sculptures on the church campus. jesus is creepy in every single one of them. i am gonna post the big picture and the up close of a couple. i think you will see what i mean.

my one question is this. if you went to this church because you had seen the hour of power on tv (set your tivo for july 15, we are in the audience) and had never been to church before i think you would run screaming from the alien invader baby jesus. thats all i am saying.

sonicflood was performing a song so we got to hang out with justin after. we went to the block (grove-ish) and walked around, did some shopping, ate lunch...

after a really long drive back (immigration rally - BAH!) anna and i went to my dads favorite grocery store vallarta. we got carne asada and asparagus (2 vs 1 jeremy lost that battle) and strawberries and came home and made the best dinner ever. we played cards (learned two new games) and we were all practically falling asleep in our berries and cream so we hit the hay.

the good news is someone prayed for us today.


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