Sunday, July 5, 2009

happy independence day!

ryan and kim had us over for dinner on saturday. we got to hang out with a couple of her friends and her parents too. SO fun! we cooked out hamburgers, had cole slaw, chips, fruit and angel food cake. kim's dad was entertaining us with the most amazing stories from his days hanging out with john wayne, gerald ford, and many other insanely famous people. he is SO funny! jeremy loved his stories and all hid country/cowboy memorabilia. kim's mom has some really beautiful pieces of furniture and her dad has some really fun stories about where he got his chaps, his guns, his canteen, his saddle, etc which are now all on display.

seeing ryan and kim living with her parents is a really interesting marriage dynamic. we have shared a home with many people (knoxes = 6 weeks, andy and russ = 6 weeks, england ladies = 1.5 weeks, zac and tabitha = 2.5 weeks, etc.) but never with our parents longer than a few nights on vacation. i love our parents but can't imagine staying with either of our parents for more than a couple weeks. kim and ryan are super brave and i think it is going to work out really well for them. i get to see the shivelys and her parents one more time before i leave so leaving their house on saturday night was easy-ish.

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