Friday, March 7, 2008

jukebox hero

that title has absolutely nothing to do with my post but the song is stuck in my head for some reason. prolly from a commercial.

q: how sad are we to see danny and asia'h and luke and cady go?
a: not at all because they werent very good and in some cases really freaking annoying. also in the girls' cases (and i am one to talk) someone needs to learn how to spell. what is with the apostrophe h?????

we have been so busy this week!!! i have been putting in a ton of overtime at work because of all the state and district reviews we have coming up. we have a busy weekend coming up too. hopefully we get to see my aunt steph and uncle earl that jeremy has never met because they will be spending the weekend here in la... saturday is mosaic beach day/volleyball tournament (yes it actually is warm enough here to go to the beach but NOT to get in the water - not that i ever get in the water no matter how warm the weather is)... sunday we are serving at church, losing one hour of sleep (curses on spring back), and i have to work at school in the afternoon.

i went to the foot doctor this morning. he gave me a cortizone shot in my foot and a referral to a physical therapist. i start next week - 3 times a week for a month. insurance paying for someone to massage my foot. if it wasnt for the huge lump on my foot and all the pain i would say that isnt such a bad deal.


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