Sunday, September 23, 2007

sometimes you have to get through the rain...

we went to the beach yesterday. obviously, if you read the blog, you would not think that was anything out of the ordinary. but it was.

we carried our stuff out to the car (including smores fixins and firewood) IN THE RAIN.

we drove fifteen miles on two different highways, sometimes with only 20 or so feet of visibility, IN THE RAIN.

we paid our seven dollars for parking and lugged all of our stuff out to a firepit, trusting that other people would think im not driving all the way to the beach IN THE RAIN.

and when we got there, unpacked and looked around...

it was beautiful. other people from mosaic showed up and we had a fabulous time. we cooked smores and played catchphrase and frisbee and doug tried to hit the planes flying overhead with a football (we were about ten seconds south of lax so we were definitely in the flight plan all day)

and we just all around had a great day.

but life is like that sometimes. if we had turned around on the 101 because it was pouring sheets of rain we would have missed the gorgeous day that god had for us at the beach.


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