Monday, July 23, 2007

sequoia camping: general sherman

saturday we woke up kinda early. jeremy, dan and lance went fly fishing somewhere far away, and the shivelys and their friends (don't know their last name?) went on a hike. the smiths were still asleep, so me and kris and bridget totally were the fishing widows... all lonely and scared and cold. ok we really werent lonely or scared or cold but it makes for a much more pathetic story doesnt it? when the boys FINALLY got back, with no fish i might add, we ate lunch and went to see general sherman. he is the largest living organism on the face of the planet. (yes, this also means he is the largest tree.) on the hike down, they have his foot print. jeremy and i are standing in it. we continued the hike down and there was a tour group in front of the tree, so we went around to the back and took a group shot. kim and ryans friends that i dont know their last name, were on a different trail... so they arent in the picture. but everyone else is, including the general! :) he is off to the side a little bit. you can fit ten blue whales in him, or enough water to supply an average household for 3.5 years. the biggest branch's diameter is taller than me or jeremy. he is one big tree. and tall too!

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